Med Spa Summer Laser Treatments


Summer is finally here! Time to kick off the boots, shorten the skirts, and enjoy the sun. During the months of warmth and sunlight is typically the time you begin to notice sun spots and hair that was covered up during the months of cold.

While lasers are usually the solution to these problems you may need to rethink your treatment if you are going to be soaking in the sun. However, there are alternatives to many of the laser treatments we offer at Bella Luce Medical Spa.

Why are some lasers off-limits during the summer?

It’s important that you don’t have sunburned skin in order to receive laser treatments. In fact, even tanned skin can complicate procedures and make them less effective than if your skin is its natural color.

Lasers in the summer can be risky because laser treatments can make your skin more sensitive and vulnerable to the sun. This is because treatments like laser resurfacing and chemical peels create a controlled trauma in order to create healing and cell regeneration. By undergoing treatments during the months you’re more likely to be covered up and staying indoors, you can better protect your skin.

Risks involved with sun exposure after laser treatments include:

  • Subpar healing

  • Inflammation in treatment areas

  • Sunburn on part of the body exposed.

  • Permanent discoloration (hyperpigmentation)

  • Scarring

Can I get laser hair reduction during summer?

While people who’ve had laser hair removal treatments may want to show off their smooth legs or bikini line in the summer months, sunlight can cause discoloration to the treated area. It doesn’t happen to everyone, however, with any laser there is a risk of pigment changes or a darkening or lightening of the skin. The chances of pigment changes are higher in the summer months when people are less careful with skin exposure.

The way laser hair removal works is it seeks out the pigmentation within hair follicles. The ideal situation is dark hair on lighter skin, the tanner the skin the more difficult it is for the laser to detect the follicles and results could result in hyperpigmentation.

If you do decide to get laser hair removal during the summer, make sure you are not tanned for at least three weeks prior to laser hair removal. You will also need to take care of those areas after your treatment, for example, wear shorts if you’re lasering your bikini.

In general, underarms and bikini lines are the safest areas to treat during the warmer months since they’re the easiest to keep out of the sunlight. Facial hair and arms should be avoided or treated with caution, as they are the areas that are mostly exposed to the sun.

Will a Photofacial treatment make me more sensitive to the sun?

Yes and no. A Photofacial, or IPL, is meant to rid sunspots, rosacea, wrinkles, and give an overall brightness to your skin. If you are constantly in the sun this could counteract the IPL Photofacial procedure.

Therefore, while we do not recommend it, you can have the treatments done at any time of the year. However, summer is more difficult if you pick up color easily in the sun and, since you are exposed to the sun more, the good effects of the treatments won’t last as long.

If you do decide to get an IPL during the summer months use sun protection to avoid skin damage. You can wear sunscreen every day as well as hats to protect your skin and decrease redness, brown spots, wrinkles, and skin cancers. This is always advisable even if you are not getting a laser treatment.

What treatments are safe for summer months?

Summer-safe treatments are those that don’t interact with sun exposure. Some of the most popular include:

  • Exilis Skin Tightening – If you are looking for a lift in your skin Exilis uses radiofrequency technology to heat the skin beneath the surface and stimulates the collagen to produce tighter skin throughout the body while reducing the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin.

  • Vanquish ME Body Contour – The last few pounds are often the most difficult to lose. Vanquish ME uses radiofrequency technology to destroy fat cells and help slim down the waist, thighs, and other areas.

  • Diamond Glow– This can be used as an alternative to an IPL or Chemical Peel. Although not as effective at targeting rosacea and brown spots, it is an advanced resurfacing treatment that combines exfoliation, extraction, and infusion of condition-specific serums to improve skin health, function, and appearance.

  • Dermaplane -Dermaplaning can be used as a mild alternative for a Chemical Peel. This treatment physically exfoliates the skin’s surface, removing the topmost layer of dead skin along with fine, vellus hair to promote smoother skin.

  • Waxing – If you are looking to get rid of body hair in areas that are constantly exposed to the sun (such as the face) waxing, although not permanent, is an alternative.

  • Microneedling with Laser Genesis (The Bella)– Unlike many light-based treatments, Laser Genesis is not attracted to colored pigment in the skin and can be used on all skin types. It’s still important to avoid sun exposure before and after these treatments, but they’re safer than similar options during the summertime.

  • Botox/Dysport – We tend to squint quite a bit during the summer which deepens fine lines and wrinkles around the eyes and on the forehead. If you’re noticing the summer bringing out new lines, Botox is a great option with immediate results. Results won’t be impacted by sun exposure.

If you are looking for a summer spa treatment to help you feel more confident. please feel free to schedule a free consultation with Bella Luce Med Spa (405) 486-7450. We would absolutely love to visit with you and help you take advantage of our med spa summer treatments!


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